B is a liver disease caused by the "Hepatitis B Virus" (VHB), a member
of the Hepadnavirus which can cause acute or chronic inflammation of the
liver are in a minority of cases may progress to sirosi liver or liver
cancer. At first known as "serum hepatitis" and has become epidemic in some parts of Asia and Africa. Hepatitis B has become endemic in China and other Asian countries
The cause of hepatitis was not solely the virus. Drug toxicity, and exposure to various chemicals such as carbon tetrachloride, chlorpromazine, chloroform, arsenic, phosphorus, and other substances used as medicine in the modern industry, can also cause hepatitis. These chemical substances may be ingested, inhaled or absorbed through the skin of the patient. Neutralize the toxins circulating in the blood is the work of the heart. If a lot of toxic chemicals into the body, the liver can be damaged so that it can no longer neutralize other poisons.
DiagnosisCompared to the HIV virus, Hepatitis B virus (HBV) a hundred times more virulent (infectious), and ten times more (often) to transmit. Most of the symptoms of Hepatitis B is not realChronic hepatitis B is a chronic disease nekroinflamasi liver caused by Hepatitis B virus persistent infection. Chronic hepatitis B is characterized by a positive HBsAg (> 6 months) in the serum, high levels of HBV DNA and the process of chronic liver nekroinflamasi. Inactive HBsAg carrier is defined as persistent HBV infection without liver nekroinflamasi. While the exacerbation of chronic hepatitis B is a clinical condition characterized by intermittent increased ALT> 10 times upper limit of normal values (Bann). Diagnosis of chronic hepatitis B infection based on serologic, virologic markers, biochemical and histological. In serology, the examination is recommended for the diagnosis and evaluation of chronic hepatitis B infection are: HBsAg, HBeAg, anti HBe and HBV DNA (4.5). Virological examination, carried out to measure the amount of serum HBV DNA is very important because it illustrates the level of virus replication. Important biochemical examination to determine the therapeutic decision is ALT levels. Described the presence of elevated levels of ALT activity kroinflamasi. Therefore, this examination to be considered as a histological predictor. Patients with ALT levels that show the process nekroinflamasi heavier than in the normal ALT. Patients with normal ALT levels have a poor serological response to antiviral therapy. Therefore, patients with normal ALT levels considered not to be treated, except when the results of histological examination showed an active nekroinflamasi process. While the purpose of histological examination is to assess the degree of liver damage, liver disease diagnosis put aside other things, determine prognosis and management of anti-viral.In general, symptoms of Hepatitis B minor. These symptoms may include loss of appetite, abdominal discomfort, nausea to vomiting, mild fever, sometimes accompanied by joint pain and swelling in the right upper abdomen. After one week there will be a major symptom as the whites of the eyes appear yellow, yellow skin and whole body looks like a tea-colored urine.There are three possible responses given by the body's immunity against Hepatitis B virus post-acute period. In the first, if an adequate immune response there will be cleaning the virus, the patient recovered. Second, if the immune response is weak then the patient will become inactive carrier. Third, if the body's response is intermediate (between the two above), the disease continues to progress to chronic hepatitis B
TransmissionHepatitis B is a form of hepatitis is more serious than other types of hepatitis. Hepatitis B can happen to everyone from all age groups. There are several things that can cause hepatitis B virus is transmitted.
* In the vertical, vertical transmission occurs from mother who suffered from hepatitis B virus to infants who are born at the time of delivery or shortly after childbirth.
* In the horizontal, may result from use of contaminated syringes, ear piercing, acupuncture, blood transfusions, use of razors and toothbrushes together (only if the patient has a disease of the mouth (canker sores, bleeding gums, etc.) or injuries bleeding) as well as sexual relations with patients.As anticipated, usually against the blood-blood received from donors will be in the first test whether the blood received reactive hepatitis, syphilis and HIV.Indeed, not all positive Hepatitis B to be feared. From the results of blood tests, can be revealed if there is a history ever had and now have developed resistance, or even the virus is gone. For couples who want to get married, it never hurts to check menenularan partner for this disease.
CareHepatitis is caused by a viral infection causes liver cells damaged that it can not function properly. In general, the liver cells can grow back with the rest a little damage, but recovery may take many months with good diet and rest.Acute hepatitis B are generally healed, only 10% become chronic Hepatitis B (chronic) and may progress to liver cirrhosis or cancer hati.Saat there are some treatments that can be done for chronic hepatitis B that can increase the opportunity for someone with this disease. Available in the form of antiviral treatment such as lamivudine and adefovir and immune system modulators such as interferon alpha (Uniferon).In addition, there is also a traditional medicine that can be done. Medicinal plants or herbs that can be used to prevent and help treat Hepatitis such as hepatoprotektor have the effect, which is to protect the liver from the effects of toxic substances that can damage liver cells, also have anti-inflammatory, and khloretik kolagogum, which increases the production of bile by the liver. Several types of herbs that can be used for the treatment of hepatitis, among others, turmeric (Curcuma xanthorrhiza), turmeric (Curcuma Longa), bitter (Andrographis paniculata), meniran (Phyllanthus urinary), crushed leaves / mirten, the fungus / lingzhi (Ganoderma lucidum ), roots of the weeds (Imperata cyllindrica), pearl grass (Hedyotis corymbosa), gotu kola (Centella asiatica), gardenia fruit (Gardenia Augusta), Noni (Morinda citrifolia), jombang (Taraxacum officinale). but there are also alternative medicine others such as Hepatitis B From Wikipedia hijamah / bruise that could cure all diseases hepatitis, as long as done correctly and also with medical standards.
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